About JSR Industries

We offer finest quality starch and its derivatives for food processing industry. We can produce starch derivatives according to varying levels of BD, DS, DE, etc. Our product portfolio includes:

  1. Maltodextrin Powder
  2. High Maltose Syrup
  3. Liquid Glucose
  4. Invert Syrup
  5. Animal Feed(Rice Gluten)

We are now entering into food processing industry and commissioning a new production unit under the flagship of the same group offering a wide range of balanced poultry feed. Our product portfolio includes: –

  1. Pre-starter crumble
  2. Starter crumble
  3. Finisher crumble
  4. Broiler concentrate-33%
  5. Cutter feed
  6. Specialised and balanced Layer feed

At JSR Industries we have set international manufacturing standards and ensure that we bring in healthy environment for both – the people and the product. That’s not all, as we also comply with the International Food Safety Standards. We have specialization in raw material procurement and ensure that we have best quality rice for our manufacturing process.

We have highly efficient technocrats working for us who have vast experience in the food processing industry. For us, quality product is the top most concern and we make sure that we put proper checks at every stage in the manufacturing process so as to get best quality final output.

We always maintain highest level of quality standards be it in the installation of unit, selection of production machinery, procurement of raw materials or even in the employment of the man-power.

We have continuous R&D lab to insure the quality of raw materials and finished products to serve best possible quality in the consumer market.

Last but not the least; we are committed to provide after sale services to our valued consumers through our wide technical professional team (especially for poultry feed) by conducting or organising seminars, trainings and educational clusters for upgrading their knowledge and techniques.

Mission & Vision

WE Insure
  • Quality

    • Quality- Quality production directly depend on
    • Quality in inputs
    • Quality of Formulae
    • Quality of Machines & Manpower
    • Quality Distribution channel
  • Value

    • Life stock on getting best nutrition value
    • Farmers on getting best result on less effort
    • Dealers because the product in self explanatory
    • User as they get healthy & genuine contents
  • Money

    • Less feed consumption converts more money saving
    • Good Looking Healthy yellow leg bird fetches good money
    • Healthy and disease free bird means fuller return